It is the beginning of an exciting new journey and we encourage you to continue to press on toward the mark that God has for you.
We are here to advise, facilitate, encourage, pray and walk beside you in your pursuit of higher education. We know the difficulties you face today, with the pressures to balance demands in ministry, work, home, and community.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the one that has to lead us in this journey. Before every class and during the week, the staff will be praying and seeking the Lord on your behalf. We take this mandate from God very seriously and expect the same from you.
There has never been a time or a way to fulfill God’s plan and purpose for your life like this opportunity through online classes. We are here because we care about you and desire that you will come to know a new side of God. This journey is about a relationship with our Heavenly Father and not about religion.
God commands us to go and make disciples everywhere in the world. It is our heart’s desire to provide a safe environment full of the power of the Holy Spirit where you feel comfortable and peaceful. Remember, you will succeed in this journey.
Through the power of God, we will make your higher education experience one that you will never forget.
Dr. Mildred Gonzalez,
Founder and President