P.O. Box 161355, Altamonte Springs Fl. 32716407-286-4369students@ministryoffirechristianuniversity.orgMon.-Fri. 9am-5pm
Contact info
P.O. Box 161355, Altamonte Springs Fl. 32716407-286-4369students@ministryoffirechristianuniversity.orgMon.-Fri. 9am-5pm


Ministry of Fire University Guidelines

Servants of God

You have enlisted in the army of the Lord, as you have made a commitment to God to be prepared and trained for ministry.

Some of you have already come from other schools of ministry, universities or training centers. We are different. Being an Apostolic and Prophetic ministry, you will find us a bit unique.

We have made the decision to follow God’s Word, His voice and to be guided by the Holy Spirit, no matter what. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We do not imitate any other ministry, we just do what He tells us to do and maybe that is the reason we are so unique.

Let me share with you some of the pearls I learned from my mentors:

A leader must be ready to hear God’s voice and obey.

A leader must be one of character and integrity, even in times of much stress.

Leaders of character create organizations of character.

A leader must learn to take nothing for granted.

Loyalty, integrity, consideration for others, and selfless service are all good, but hold no power unless they are practiced.

The first major lesson leaders must learn is to follow.

I want you to know how overjoyed we are that God has allowed our ministries to come together in partnership. As part of the mentoring/discipleship process we would like to share the protocol we follow.

1. No photographs are to be taken of any of the staff members.

2. Lectures/classes may not be recorded.

3. The material taught during the classes and/or accessed on the Ministry of Fire University web site is not to be discussed via any social media.

4. At the beginning of the semester you will obtain a password to access the University website. That is your personal key to enter and it must not be given to anyone else. The University web site is secured and protected. Only those with an access password are able to enter the web site. You will need access to the web site for your assignments, messages from the professors and articles that you have to read as part of the courses.

5. As a courtesy, we are allowing you to bring one to two other members to the classes, though you don’t have to. Before you make that decision we ask you to listen to God’s voice to see who He wants to join you. If you decide to bring someone, we will need their personal information, including a picture, prior to starting date.

6. Be flexible. The Holy Spirit is in charge so there may be times when things such as the class schedule will change.

 7. Students are expected to be on time. Praise and worship will start 15 minutes before each session and it is mandatory.

8. Bring paper and a pen or pencil to take notes during class.

9. Homework will be given; and it is expected to be completed to the best of your ability by the assigned date. If there is something you don’t understand, feel free to email the instructors at their appropriate email address.

–– During our first class, we will hold an orientation session where we will discuss all your questions and concerns.

–– The Bible tells us to “study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2Tim. 2:15

At Ministry of Fire we know that your life will forever be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

